
Municipals were steady to weaker in spots Friday ahead of a large new-issue calendar, while U.S. Treasuries were mixed and equities sold off upward of 2.5%. Investors will be greeted Monday with a big uptick in supply, with the new-issue calendar reaching $9.251 billion with $6.572 billion of negotiated deals and $2.679 billion of competitive
The U.S. Supreme Court reversed the decision of two lower courts that had declared Puerto Ricans eligible for federal Supplemental Security Income benefits. The Supreme Court released its 8-1 decision in the United States v. Vaello Madero case on Thursday. Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the a dissent. The SSI program provides financial assistance to disabled
The Puerto Rico House of Representatives voted to end the commonwealth’s contract with LUMA Energy — under which it handles the electrical transmission and distribution grid — in the aftermath of a several-day long blackout. The House voted 29-16 with one abstention for the measure Tuesday. Members of the pro-statehood New Progressive Party provided the
Municipals sold off Tuesday, with triple-A benchmarks seeing cuts up to 11 basis points and the 30-year topping 3% on some scales. U.S. Treasuries were weaker, experiencing double-digit cuts on the short end, and equities rallied. Triple-A muni yields rose nine to 11 basis points, depending on the scale, while UST yields rose 10 to
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti emphasized climate change, infrastructure and the homelessness crisis in his final State of the City speech as he foreshadowed the 2022-23 budget he releases this week. His choice of venue for his speech Thursday, the nearly complete Sixth Street Viaduct replacement project, underscored the infrastructure theme. Garcetti said he plans
Jerome Powell wants to put the Federal Reserve at “the forefront of technological changes” in the financial sector. The central bank is beefing up its tech acumen to get there. Calling it imperative to “evolve with the rest of the financial system,” the Fed chair said during an event hosted by the Bank for International
Merger and acquisition activity among not-for-profit and for-profit hospitals dropped off in the first quarter compared to the same period last year, according to Kaufman Hall. The 12 announced transactions in the first quarter marked the lowest since 2016 when Kaufman Hall began tracking the activity, according to the Quarterly Mergers and Acquisitions Report the
New York State’s $220 billion fiscal 2023 budget focuses on environmental, social and governance issues while remaining in balance. Gov. Kathy Hochul said the budget, approved by the Legislature on April 8, balances social goals with fiscal responsibility. The budget raises the state’s reserves to a record high 15% of state operating funds spending by
As the West isolates Russia with sanctions in response to its invasion of Ukraine, policymakers are using the global financial system as a weapon to help stop the war. What will the impact be on banks? How is the federal government thinking about policy options to force Russia to end the war? What financial tools
Demonstrating a commitment to environmental, social and governance factors can broaden the investor pool for not-for-profit healthcare bonds but organizations should tread cautiously as disclosure practices evolve, Kaufman Hall’s Lisa Goldstein wrote. “ESG has already become a significant consideration for investors in taxable debt,” Goldstein, a senior vice president and member of the advisory firm’s