
In this episode of hungry for returns, we are going to talk about at the money, in the money and out of the money when it comes to trading options, and which is the best for day trading options without leaving any positions open overnight. #daytrading #tradingoptions #moneyoptions #optionstraining #tradingclass Posted at: ???? GET
Selling with the goal of profiting, also known as shorting, is one of those things that many new traders are baffled by. How can I sell something that I don’t own? How can I win if something appears to be losing? This video answers those questions and more. From the definition of the term, to
The Puerto Rico Oversight Board reached a deal for an improved treatment of the Puerto Rico Infrastructure and Finance Authority rum tax bonds with two bond insurers, which had been key opponents of the central government debt deal. The board announced the deal with Ambac Assurance and Financial Guaranty Insurance Company Tuesday morning in a
Municipals were slightly firmer in secondary trading while new-issues were repriced to lower yields from initial pricing wires. U.S. Treasuries were stronger and equities sold off ahead of the FOMC meeting Wednesday. The current market technicals combined with a slowdown in issuance is creating a general malaise in the municipal market, according to a New
The Brazilian authorities seized $33 million linked to a money-laundering investigation involving cryptocurrency exchanges. The operation, called “Exchange Transaction” by the Brazilian police, involved six search warrants in different locations of the country. These searches were directed to find shell companies that used cryptocurrency exchanges for alleged money laundering purposes. Brazilian Police Seize $33 Million
Why do currencies always come in pairs in trading? That’s a question many new traders ask when they come across their first charts and graphs. Here to explain one of the building blocks of Forex is trading expert David Jones. In this video you’ll see the components of currency pairs broken down, explained and put
Municipals were stronger on the short end, hitting record low levels for the second time this year, in quiet trading while U.S. Treasuries were treading water and equities did much the same as all markets await Wednesday’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting announcement. Triple-A benchmarks moved one to two basis points lower inside of five