
Municipals faced some pressure and benchmark yield curves were cut by one to two basis points Wednesday. Municipals largely have shrugged off a weaker U.S. Treasury market and outperformed while mutual funds saw another $2 billion-plus week of inflows. The 10- and 30-year UST have risen nine basis points since Monday, while munis have only
In this video, we’re going to talk about the difference between buying a call and selling a put. You’ll understand this quickly because we will go into details that will be a real eye-opener for you. You’re going to see in which scenarios you’re going to make money. Also, I’ll show you when you need
Hey everybody, Dave Bartosiak here with Trending Stocks. Big data is a big deal. Nowadays, everything we do is tracked, stored, analyzed and used to make decisions. The most infamous examples of this are tech giants Facebook and Google. Well, a new big data, big brother, big paranoia for the tin hat wearing crowd has
Kroll Bond Rating Agency raised its outlook on Chicago’s general obligation bonds to stable from negative and affirmed the city’s GO rating at A. “The stable outlook assignment and the outlook revision on the outstanding GO bonds recognizes the tenor of actions taken by the city’s management in confronting COVID-19 induced challenges, an improved revenue